Selamat Hari Raya!
Monday, September 2, 2019
Im really sorry i havent had any updates these days. haha well truth is blog is getting old and frankly i havnt had the idea on what exactly to update about. Anywy since its Raya season..
This year's syawal was great. Great friends and family bonds. *duhh -.-*
whats new? went out with 40 dudes and attack each houses all at once 0.0
and ohh ohh since most of the buddies already have their driving lisence, we've put it to good use. Kite sewa LORRY la dey! open top nye lorry cool shit or what? aight tts it. chau
here are some of them photos ^^

My favourite Teachers. Ustz Ahmed and Ustzh Fatimah haha
If youre my friend.
Life with noo money sucks real bad. I do go out everyday with good purposes but i still have preference over having a frking JOB during the Holidays. i dont see any discipline in myself. haha its hard when no one's there to do schedual for you haha :p
Anyway im having dilemmas on wthr should i stay and cotinue as a PreU as in Pre-university student or head to poly instead. PreU might be hard for me but i can see myself coping with it. Pray for my future and i prmise i'll pray for you too insyallah. haha :)
Baeutiful music. gets you to the bones and if ure able to understand the sye'ir and meanings behind it'll probably get u deep to the heart. alhmdllh i mnge to understand a few especially when they were singing abt nuzulul Quran, and dzikrullah.
Bump into a couple of Aljunied Alumnis. Sometimes i think im getting more attached to the culture and further from the lifestyle im used to.
So anywy, alot happened this week. im just too lazy to talk abt it.
all i know is i wanna travel and seek knowledge insyllh.
This week's quote: The more you learn, The less you know.
Labels: Lets accomplish knowledge together